Xhorse VVDI Mini Key Tool vs. KEYDIY KD-X2, Which is Better?

Having got many questions about how to choose Xhorse VVDI Mini Key Tool & KEYDIY KD-X2. Thereupon, we made a comparison below to make it clear.


VVDI Mini Key Tool vs. KD-X2 Comparison


Xhorse VVDI Mini Key Tool


Price £92 £139.99
Compatibility Xhorse App on IOS & Android smartphone PC software by USB-B connection, Android phone/tablet by OTG connection
Wired Generation
Wireless Generation
96 bit ID48 Clone
Chip Generate
Remote Generate
Remote Clone
Chip Edit
Chip Clone
Chip Simulation
Signal Test
Frequency Test
Modulation Detect
Read Chip Info
Remote Unlock
IR Test
46 Copy
4D Copy
ID48 Copy Offline
ID48 Copy Online
72G/4D83 80bit
4D70 KIA/Hyundai
ID42 Copy
Key charge
Honda MOTO Key Unlock
8E Key Upgrade & Unlock
Mazda 49 Smart Card Light Repair

(Correct us if we are wrong)



  1. Price

Mini Key Tool is little cheaper than KD-X2.


  1. Compatibility

Mini Key Tool works on IOS & Android smartphone with Xhorse VVDI app.

KEYDIY can work on PC with KD-X2 software or Android system phone/tablet by connection.


  1. Functions

Mini Key Tool supports ID48 copy offline and more special features while KD-X2 does not. Such as key charge, Honda motorcycle key unlock, 8E key upgrade & unlock, Mazda 49 smart card light repair.

KD-X2 can generate some remotes that are missing on Mini Key Tool, and the time for ID48 cloning is faster. It supports chip simulation.



Both featured with same functions to generate, clone, check remotes and transponder.

Both support wired & wireless generation.

Both are tiny and compact to carry.

Both are affordable.



  1. No matter VVDI Mini Key Tool or KEYDIY KD-X2 Remote Maker are good tools at adding remote control and chip. They are very similar in main functions which are commonly used for daily job.
  2. VVDI Mini Key Tool is better to copy chip while KEYDIY KD-X2 supports more remotes.


In a word, you may need both or more tools to ensure job. Or just select one according to functions/system in need.



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