Lonsdor K518S vs. K518ISE for 2021 Volvo, How to Choose?


I only program for Volvo, and also I want to get 2021 Volvo software, what is the different between Lonsdor K518S and K518ISE? How should I choose?



To program latest Volvo cars, it’s required to buy Lonsdor Volvo License. Compatible for both K518S & K518ISE, supports Volvo XC40(2020-), XC60(2018-), XC90(2015-), S60(2020-), S90(2017-), V60(2018-), V90(2016-).


The Volvo software in K518S & K518ISE are same, only different from basic software, charge software cost.



The Volvo License is available for lifelong based on one time fee.

It requires to dismantle CEM and use KProg adapter for data reading & programming.


Detailed procedure refer to:

Londor K518S/K518ISE Add Volvo S90(2017-) Key Success



Lonsdor K518S vs. K518ISE Comparison

Model Lonsdor K518S Lonsdor K518ISE
Image Lonsdor-k518 Lonsdor-k518ise
Software Basic software(black) + charge software(red), more to charge.

Check K518S Support List.

Basic software(black) + charge software(red), less to charge.

Check K518ISE Update Car List.

Duration 1. Basic software is free for lifetime;

2. Charge software enjoy 365 days free, and need to pay after expired. (starts after registration).

1. Basic software is free for lifetime;

2. Charge software enjoy 12 months free, and need to pay after expired. (starts after registration).

Cost  (may change according to marketing sales) 3 Packages for choice:

1. Basic free lifetime software;

2. K518S Year Update(1st year £448/ 2nd year £336 /3rd year £224);

3. K518S Lifetime Update £1,492.

2 packages for choice:

1. Basic free lifetime software;

2. K518ISE Year Update(1st year £358/ 2nd year £269 /3rd year £149).





The basic price and yearly update cost are different. K518S charges less for basic software but charges more for others. K518ISE charges more for basic software, but charges less in the future.


K518ISE has more free basic software than K518S.



  • Both include basic free lifelong software + charge software.
  • Both provide 365 days trial period for charge software, and need to pay yearly after expired.
  • IMMO capacities and vehicle coverage are the same.



Generally speaking, Lonsdor K518S and K518ISE feature with same software and vehicle coverage. Both can program latest Volvo cars. That’s say users can select from actual requirements based on cost.


For specific car make supported, welcome to contact us.



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