Need: looking for Iprog+ clone eeprom cable pinouts, because iprog only shows pin numbers.
Actually, the Iprog+ clone software comes with the eeprom cable pinouts.
After installing Iprog+ clone V80 software, click on one menu option, then chip type, then “Description”, you will see the wiring diagram (shown as below).
Where to download Iprog+ clone V80 software?
Password: sppubu
Image of language option: English and Russian
Image of main menu:
As you can see, it has a wide range of capabilities besides eeprom.
1. Airbag:
Read and erase crash to some cars
Read and erase DTC
Repair CFG
2. Dashboard:
Read km
Write a new km
3. Car Radio & ECU:
Car Radio:
Read and erase info
Reset count
Immo OFF
DPF off
4. Eeprom:
Read/ write/ erase eeprom
5. Immo:
Program and copy chips for cars and truck
Unlock keys
Cover Toyota smart keys: reset key prepare
Write a key by immo dump
6. MCU:
Read and write chips
Cover chips Atmel, Fujitsu and microchips Motorola, NEC v850
7. Special functions:
Mile to km
Pincode from dump
Trusted source of Iprog+ Iprog Pro V80 programmer: