Where to go for a cheap mongoose SDD runs on win 10?

Are you thinking of getting a cheap mongoose and associated software which runs on Windows 10 – most seem to be for Win XP/7/8?

Experience sharing:
I have crack SDD V138 working on win 10 pro. I set aside a 30GB partition and can dual boot to SDD or my personal Win 10. Just make sure date is set in early 2012 and disable all network adapters.

It will also install on Windows 7 Pro 32-bit. Note it must be the 32-bit version. There are also other caveats of setting the date on boot every time and never connecting the laptop to the internet. Basically this should ideally be installed on an old laptop that has no other function.

You can buy a cheap Mongoose from this supplier. Just £27
It works perfectly and you can use the program SDD V145 from them, someone said there is virus, actually, the .exe files tend to be treadted as virus, before using please uninstall or exit all firewall.

JLR SDD V154 installation on WIN7


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