Today I ‘d like to share my experience How to use Carprog V9.31 to read and erase BMW EEPROM M35080.
If you do not have the Caprog V9.31 , please can download the Carprog 9.31 software from :!QF4D2ajZ!sew7H0E2wZeo7bfNdM3XJn4yN8i2BZGQ1u4nmR-O3dA
I used on Windows XP operating system
And China Carprog clone device used together with:
Direct connection to EEPROM. m35080 chip is used for most BMW cars.
Then i used it to read M35080 and fast erase M35080 (about 10 seconds) EEPROM in circuit with auto-detection
Done !
Other EEPROMs are being on the test. Test results will be reported here. And you may be risky to try..