How to Solve MB SDconnect Toolkit Incorrect parameter fault (599)

If you happen the problem SDconnect Toolkit Incorrect parameter fault (599) how to solve it ?

Here is the resolution of MB Star diagnosis SD Connect C4 when use 2016.05 Xentry SDconnect Toolkit incorrect parameter fault.

Problem showing:
I have installed 05.2016 XDOS on Win7 32bit, everything were ok during installation and after, but when i tried to connect my sd connect via Lan i got message like on photo that parameters are incorrect. I have reinstalled XDOS again and got the same message, then i tried to install on 64-bit system and this time everything works. What could be the reason?


Solution way  from engineer:

Change your computer name with word A – Z , i think your computer name with Russian Word,

after change computer name, reboot PC..

All will be fine..

Customer Feedback :

It worked. 2016.05 Xentry now runs no problem.

Thank you a lot!!!

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