Hot 4 Injector Cleaner & Tester Machine 2022, How to Choose?

Here have collected the latest hot injector cleaners & tester machines in 2022. Covering 4-cylinder & 6-cylinder machines from Summary, Autool, Launch, Tektino. By making a list of the differences to help consumers make a better choice.

Hot 4 4-Cylinder Injector Cleaners
Summary vs. Autool vs. Launch Comparison

Brand Summary Autool Launch Comparison
Model PowerJET Pro 240/ GDI S4 CT180 CNC-402 Summary machine can support all kinds of injector cleaning and testing
Image hot-4-injector-cleaner-tester-machine-2022-(1) hot-4-injector-cleaner-tester-machine-2022-(2) hot-4-injector-cleaner-tester-machine-2022-(3)
Size 355*350*380 305*345*425 670*500*600 Votec injector


Volume 0.047 m3 0.045 m3 0.201 m3
Weight 10KG 9KG 30KG
Low resistance injector(1Ω) test & cleaning × × Top-feed fuel injector


Top-feed fuel injector test & cleaning
Side-feed fuel injector test & cleaning(Optional spare parts) × Side-feed fuel injector


GDI fuel injector test & cleaning(S4 model only) × ×
GM TBI injector test & cleaning(optional spare parts) × × GDI fuel injector


Votec injector test & cleaning(optional spare parts) × ×
Injector resistance  testing × ×
RPM adjustable range:100~9900rpm GM TBI injector


Pulse width adjustable:0.1~25ms
OEM – Accept dealer’s logo × ×

Hot 4 6-Cylinder Injector Cleaners
Summary vs. Autool vs. Launch vs. Tektino Comparison

Brand Summary Autool Launch Tektino
Model PowerJET Pro 260 CT400 CNC-603 INJ-6B
Image hot-4-injector-cleaner-tester-machine-2022-(9) hot-4-injector-cleaner-tester-machine-2022-(10) hot-4-injector-cleaner-tester-machine-2022-(11) hot-4-injector-cleaner-tester-machine-2022-(12)
Size 375*405*510 450*420*400 458*433*537 670*470*600
Volume 0.077 m3 0.076 m3 0.106 m3 0.189 m3
Weight 18KG 18KG 19KG 25KG
low resistance injector (1-2Ω) test & cleaning × × ×
Top-feed fuel injector test & cleaning
Side-feed fuel injector test & cleaning (Optional Spare parts) × × ×
GM TBI injector test & cleaning (Optional Spare parts) × × ×
Votec injector test & cleaning (Optional Spare parts) × × ×
Injector resistance  testing × × ×
RPM adjustable range:100~9900rpm ×
Pulse width adjustable: 0.1~25ms ×
Independent ultrasonic cleaning machine × ×
OEM – Accept dealer’s logo × × ×

From the comparison table, Summary supports the most features while other brands are not or less.

However, remember to make sure the injector cleaner you’re purchasing is work for your car. As choosing an appropriate machine can greatly save money than going to maintenance.

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