VCX / DoIP firmware & Benz C6 driver update

VXDIAG VCX update on 09/15/2020:
VCX firmware: V1.8.2.0
DoIP firmware: V1.7.3
Benz C6 driver: V3.2.0.200915

VXDIAG VCX v1.8.2.0 firmware update:
FIX the error:TP20 protocol programming failure.

Fix the error: ISO15765 protocol P2Max time-out process (Ford Mondeo testing error).

Optimize: the remote diagnosis DoNet connection stability.

VXDIAG VCX DoIP V1.7.3 firmware update:
Compatible with the XENTRY Diagnosis 2020.09

VXDIAG VCX BENZ C6 driver V3.2.0.200915 update:
Compatible with Xentry Diagnosis 09/2020.

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