KTAG 7.020 update solution

Thanks to SVVAG2000 now we have Ktag 7.020 update solution.

7.020 firmware crp0 ok tested L00000000, C0000, C0000

SD card CID: For correct operation device it is necessary to change CID SDcard on 035344535330344780399b1368010300

CID: 035344535330344780399b1368010300

SD image Ktag 7.020

For correct operation device it is necessary to change CID SDcard on 035344535330344780399b1368010300.

This procedure is supported by not each SDcard.
Programs for change of CID and the description of process easy to find in the Internet.
I used mmc32 and evoplus_cid from github. This programs for linux. I haven’t found soft working in Windows

It is difficult to find SDcard which supports change CID.
SDcards with built-in chipset of production Samsung meet such requirements.
…or buy on Alibaba, using search “CUSTOM CID”.

How to write IMG file to SD CARD. With what program did you make copy of SD card?

For those who use the “custom CID method” with a CID programmable SD card “Samsung” or “Chinese” :

Here is a 7.020 SD card image identical to that of post 1, but I re-encrypted it with a much easier CID.
I did not generate this file with a manual solution, but with my own script.
Thanks to svvag2000 for the original image!
1) You just need to change your SD card CID to: 123456789ABCDEF123456789ABCDEF00
(For Samsung evo SD card : With “evoplus_cid” or “mmc32” under Linux or Android, with superuser privileges).
(For China SD card : With the specific Chinese software).

2) Write this SD card image to your SD card with “ImageUSB” or “Win32 Disk Imager”

Thanks to svvag2000 for his 2 SD card images.
But I want to inform you that there are problems in the 16MB image version.

4GB SD image OK
08/01/2018 with size 3,76 Go (4 041 211 904 octets)
CRC32 : 11F61C9D

16MB SD image NOT OK
25/01/2018 with size 15,2 Mo (16 000 000 octets)
CRC32: 8D607675

Example: Euro SD image __VS__ svvag2000 16MB SD image

(Tested on Samsung Evo with CID 035344535330344780399b1368010300)

So I advise you not to use the 16MB image because there are bugs in it.
Use the 4GB version instead, or use the Euro version.

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