Humzor NexzDAS Pro OBD2 Diagnostic Tool FAQs

Here is collection of Humzor NexzDAS Pro full system auto diagnosis tablet tool common problems most frequently asked and answered by Humzor engineers.

Question: what is the interface used for?
Answer: it is USB port used to connect device at work.

Question: how to connect NexzDAS Pro and VCI to a vehicle?
Answer: NexzDAS Pro can connect with VCI via Bluetooth, then insert VCI to vehicle OBD interface directly.

Question: can NexzDAS Pro support to read EPB from newer cars like VW Golf 2018?
Answer: yes, it can.

Question: can Humzor NexzDAS Pro do a cylinder balance test?
Answer: some of Benz and VW vehicle models supports.

Question: can Humzor NexzDAS Pro do key programming for BMW E90 2008?
Answer: cannot.

Question: dose NexzDAS Pro update free of lifetime?
Answer: yes, lifelong free.

Question: can NexzDAS Pro do air suspension calibration for 2012 Benz GL450?
Answer: cannot.

Question: can I used a smart phone instead of a tablet with an vehicle interface?
Answer: yes.

Question: Can NexzDAS Pro read EPB for 2019 Mitsubishi Outlander?
Answer: yes.

More questions about Humzor NexzDAS Pro to be collected…

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