KD-X2 or Handy baby?

KD-X2 or Handy baby? which one to have? let’s listen to a senior’s experience.

Handy baby works well on transponder cloning. It does what it says.. It’s easy to use and no need to have all kinds of transponders. Just the blue or the red ones..

Kd-x2 have many more functions like remotes, transponder cloning, garage remotes, access card cloning, renew remotes, remote cloning ecc.. With NB remotes you can clone the transponder and program the remote or generate remote with transponder and than program key. You have Toyota g clone for free. With handy baby is payable..

Id48 cloning will cost 13$ if you don’t have enough points.
For handy baby 96 bit 48 online copy, if you have JMD assistant, you can have this function for free, while one time coding will cost usd20. If you don’t have JMD assistant, need to pay usd129 to get this function, and after having this function, it will cost usd20 for one time coding too.

I have both. I use handy baby for ford and the for the rest kd-x2.
From kd-x2, handy baby and vvdi key tool my favorite is kd-x2.
Is a good tool and they keep adding functions.
I heard that handy baby will release a new tool in September I think. Waiting..

Credits to @comizelu (dk forum member)

For best KD-X2, handy baby and vvdi key tool, feel free to contact at:
Skype: obd2tool.co.uk
Email: sales@obd2shop.co.uk
TEL: +86 13983755934
Whatsapp: +86 13983755934


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