If there are no any TOY48 key blanks, how to use 2M2 Magic Tank to cut a universal key blank to generate one? Here I will make a quick demonstration.
Go to Magic Tank app installed on smart phone:
Generate key model >> Next >> Japan >> TOY48
Put the universal key flat on 2M2 Magic Tank clamp according to instruction, and fix it.
Press “Next”.
The 2M2 cutting machine starts cutting…
When one side cutting is completed, turn over the key to other side, repeat to cut again.
Flat cutting is completed.
Put the key in vertical position according to instruction for cutting, and fix it.
Press “Next” to start 2M2 cutting machine…
Turn over the key again when one side cutting was completed.
Alright, cutting key four sides were all finished!
Take out the key to polish the burr, a TOY48 key blank has been done!
This is using an universal key material to generate TOY48 key blank via 2M2 Key Cutting Machine. It is really fast and easy to operate.