Godiag BMW CAS4 Test Platform & Key Synchronization Test

What can the GODIAG BMW CAS4 Test Platform used for? This is a demonstration of using Godiag Test Platform to test a BMW key is synchronized or not.

BMW CAS4 box
BMW smart key
GODIAG Test Platform and connector

Synchronized Key
1. Connect the CAS4 box with GodiagTest Platform, insert the connector to power on. Green power light is on, the immobiliser indicator light will flash once, which means connection is successful.


2. Insert the BMW smart key into GodiagTest Platform, dash light will flash once when it inducts the key.

3. Press the start button once, the dash light keeps on, which means the smart key is synchronized with CAS4.

4. Press start button to turn if off, press again the CAS4 box stops working.


Unsynchronized Key
1. The dash light on Godiag Test Platform won’t flash when inserting a BMW key.

2. Press start button, the dash light only flashes once and stays off . Press again, it keeps the same. That means the smart key is unsynchronized with CAS4.

This is how to use Godiag Programming Test Platform to confirm if a BMW smart key is synchronized with CAS4. It is an helpful tool for engineers to do BMW CAS4/CAS4+ programming or maintenance.

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