VVDI MB TOOL Program key for Mercedes-Benz Daimler Wei Ting 2012 in 4 Steps

Engineers successfully program key on Mercedes-Benz Daimler Wei Ting 2012 with Xhorse VVDI MB Tool.


Car type model : Mercedes-Benz Daimler Wei Ting 2012

Equipment use : Xhorse VVDI MB TOOL

Step 1 : Read EIS Data

1) Connect VVDI MB to the car OBD , choose “EIS” , click “Read EIS Data”

2) The device will automatically identify the chassis number and the EIS data, click “save the EIS data” to save the data

3) Click “Save” to save the data

4) Click “OK” to save the EIS data as HC05 format

5) Save HC05 format data

Step 2 : Password calculate

  1. Select the “password calculation” option, select “W639 2009-” chassis number

2) Click the “collect data” option, in accordance with the prompt “After the car key into the lock and click OK

3) Click the OK button after taking the car key out of the ignition switch

4) Insert the car key into the lock and click OK

5) Insert the car key into the device infrared antenna and click OK

6) Insert the car key into the lock and click OK

7) Insert the car key into the device infrared antenna and click OK

8) Data acquisition is successful, save the collected data

9) Upload the saved data to calculate the password

10) Choose data(which save before)

11) After the upload is completed, the device prompt takes about 1 minute to complete the calculation

12) After the key password calculation is completed, click the “copy” password

Step 3: Generate key file

  1. Select “generate key file” option, click “load lock file”

2) Select the saved lock data and open it

3) Paste the calculated password

4) Click “Generate Key File” to save the key file location

5) The lower left corner of the device prompts “Generating a key”

Step 4: Read and write the key

  1. Select “Read and Write Key”, insert the new key into the device’s infrared antenna and click on the identification key

2) Click “Load Key File”, select the key bit to be written and open

3) After the file is loaded successfully, click Paste, paste the key to calculate the successful password, and then click “Write”

4) After the data is written successfully, you can use the car, the remote control automatically generated

Done !


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