How to use Yanhua Mini ACDP program BMW CAS3 perfectly?

You need:
Yanhua Mini ACDP Master ACDP with BMW CAS1-CAS4+ module

Here you go Yanhua ACDP BMW key programmer

And CAS3

It is not difficult to do it.
There is a little device that come with it…
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Look at this device, you can see the end of it.

put the CAS3 adapter on the CAS3 module, just tighten it.

What we do next is just turn on the host and server online.
Tap “BMW” -> CAS3 / CAS3 + – …15Y…. ->
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Read the CAS data.

Device is being connected.

You can clearly see it’s nothing there, so well I can continue….
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Detecting pin, please wait…

Detection results…Good
Just reset the board on top, just nip each side up and then five turns each side unit they say it’s finger tight and as you can see it works first time. Another thing is don’t forget to clean the pads you will notice in the pore grew up…So I hope that that is a bit helpful, so let’s continue.

Configuring adapter parameter, please wait…

Decoding the memory, please wait…
Read the CAS3 I did mention.
You can see it’s running okay.
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Readout vehicle information.

They want you back up.

Very good, the job is done.
So Next is to generate dealer keys.

So I just want to share the simplicity of putting that on. So that’s the only thing I can say that’s my tip. It seems everything works for every time, just make sure you clean the parts, don’t go mad with them the right of this driving you might as well get the soldering iron out.
Yes, if you do fasten the buttons, it tightens up you leave everything going to place.
So anyway I hope it helped and leave your comments.

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