What is OBDSTAR Converter V2 Adapter and How to use it?

What is this OBDSTAR Converter V2 Adapter used for? Let me introduce it to you today.

This special adapter is mainly used with 3rd party equipment, it connects to the TCM dedicated connector and can make this dedicated connector a test platform to let us do diagnostics or tests on the ECU.


Now, I will show you how to use the converter V2 adapter to diagnose.

This adapter supports an external independent power supply. We can make a connection like this, connect the entire Bluetooth head here, supply 12 volts, and then do the diagnostic for this ECU module through this dedicated test platform.




After transferring, the adapter inserts this connector into the test platform. We enter the diagnostic system and see that this is a DQ400E transmission ECU.



After entering the diagnostic system, we can do the functions we need.

Watch more details on YouTube:


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