Launch X431 CRP123X vs. CRP129X vs. CRP919X vs. CRP919X BT

What are the differences between Launch X431 CRP123X, CRP129X, CRP919X & CRP919X BT diagnostic tools? Here we’ve compared them in price, hardware configuration, and software features in detail, hoping to help a lot.

Comparison Table:

Item Launch X431 CRP123X Launch CRP129X Launch X431 CRP919X Launch X431 CRP919X BT
Image launch-x431-crp123x launch-x431-crp129x launch-x431-crp919x launch-x431-crp919x-bt
Price £113 £201 £319 £319
CPU 4-Core 1.5GHz 4-Core 1.5GHz 4-Core 2.0GHz 4-core 2.0GHz
RAM 2G 2G 3G 4G
ROM 16G 16G 32G 64G
Battery 6100mAh 6100mAh 6100mAh 6300mAh
System Android 7.0 Android 7.0 Android 10.0 Android 10.0
Display 5-inch TFT 5-inch TFT 7-inch 7-inch
Screen 1280*720 1280*720 1024*600 1024*600
WiFi 2.4GHz 2.4GHz 2.4Ghz 2.4GHz
Camera × × Rear 8.0 MP Rear 8.0 MP
Communication Main cable Main cable Main cable VCI/Bluetooth(DBSCar VII)
OBDII code reader
Full system ×(PCM/TCM/ABS/SRS) ×(PCM/ TCM/ABS/SRS)
Read DTCs
Clear DTCs
Data stream
Read ECU info
Bi-directional control × ×
Service function 3 kinds(oil reset, ETC, SAS) 8 kinds(oil reset, brake reset, SAS, ETS, TPMS) 31 kinds 31 kinds
Active test × ×
Special functions × ×
Hidden/modification × ×
Coding × ×
Auto VIN
FCA secure gateway Coming soon Coming soon
Vehicle coverage 58+ 58+ 100+ 100+
Software update Free Free 2 years free 2 years free
Highlights Maintenance service, system diagnosis, 58+ car brands, auto VIN technology, graphic live data, lifetime free update Maintenance service, system diagnosis, 58+ car brands, auto VIN technology, graphic live data, lifetime free update 100+ car brands, coding, CAN-FD/DoIP, more special functions, all system diagnosis, 31 maintenance services, auto VIN technology, graphic live data 100+ car brands, coding, CAN-FD, more special functions, all system diagnosis, 31 maintenance services, auto VIN technology, graphic live data
Language English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Italian, Traditional Chinese, Korea English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Italian, Traditional Chinese, Korea English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Italian, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Polish English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Italian, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Polish

1. CRP123X is the cheapest while CRP919X/CRP919X BT are the most valuable.
2. X431 CRP919X/CRP919X BT supports more service functions(31 kinds) and vehicle brands(100+) than others.
3. X431 CRP919X/CRP919X BT supports full system diagnosis, bi-directional control, active test, hidden/modification, coding, and FCA secure gateway while other tools cannot.
4. Only CRP919X BT supports wireless connection via Bluetooth.
5. Only CRP919 can support CAN-FD/DoIP meanwhile.

In general, Launch CRP123X is the most affordable for beginners. Launch CRP919X/CRP919X BT are coming with better hardware and more diagnostic features for experienced mechanics. Customers can select according to their actual budget and functional needs.

About Sales 2303 Articles specializes in manufacturing and exporting car & truck OBD OBD2 EOBD diagnostic tools to worldwide.